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hAhB hChD hEhF hGhH hIhJ hKhL hMhN hOhP hQhR hShT hUhV hWhX hYhZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AYON +hexagons 17, 19
BANWAIT +hexagons 1, 4, 8, 11, 14, 22, 34
BARAGAN SYNCOM +hexagons 5
BC PL +hexagons 5
BEE HIVE +hexagons 25
BEE ZADDA +bee & hexagons 16, 18, 25, 35
BEEHIVE +hexagons 41, 43
BEES CAPITAL +bees hexagons 36
BEM +hexagons 7
BHAGWAN +hexagons 30
BHRAMARI +hexagons & bee 20
BHRAMARI +bee & hexagons 35
BIP +hexagons & square 35
BIP +hexagons & squares 9
BIZ HIVES +hexagons 36, 37
BKP CONSULTANTS +hexagons 9, 38
BLACK DIAMOND +hexagons 3
BMC +hexagons & square 30
BMP +hexagons 1, 3, 5, 40
BORGATO +hexagons 1, 2
BQ +leaf drop & hexagons 5
BSK +hexagons 30
BSN +hexagons star & oval 5
BTS +hexagons 1
BUSINESS FUEL +hexagons 35
BV-250 +hexagons 31
BYSTAR +hexagons 9
CARA +hexagons 29
CARELABMED +hexagons 10
CCC +hexagons 1
CD fine honey +hexagons 29
CEFAKING +hexagons 5
CELLWORKS +hexagons 42
CHEM TECH ORT 85 +hexagons 16
CHEM TEST +hexagons 41
CHEMI TAP +hexagons & hands 1
CHEMO +hexagons 5
CHEMTECH +hexagons 35
CHOCO BEES +bee & hexagons 30
CLASMA +hexagons 5
CLEARSYNTH +hexagons 5, 42
CLINI-INDIA +hexagons 41
COAI GSM +hexagons 38
CYTE SPACE +hexagons 42
D DEVARSONS +hexagons 2
DC DANOPHARM +hexagons 5
DENSIPHYL +hexagons 5
DETONATE +ovals & hexagons 1
DILTIAZ-30 +hexagons 5
DILTIAZ-60 +hexagons 5
DILTIP +hexagons 5
DIXON BOSS +hexagons 11
DL +hexagons 5
DMH +mangoes & hexagons 30
DOREN +hexagons 5
DUGAR +hexagons 16, 17, 22
DURATEK TILES +hexagons 19
DWT +hexagons 7
DYNAMIC +hexagons 7
ECARB +circles & hexagons 42
ECI +hexagons 1
ECO CEL +hexagons 19
EDI FOTO +hexagons 9, 42
EN BIOLET +hexagons 11
EPACE +ovals & hexagons 16, 42
EPERT +circles & hexagons 16
EPERT +ovals & hexagons 9, 42
ESCOTEL smartfone +hexagons 16
ESRO +hexagons 5
ETHAPONE +hexagons 5
EZEPRINT JB +hexagons 1
FARKI +hexagons 29
FERT +hexagons 11
FIT TIGHT +hexagons 12
FLAGSTONE RE +hexagons 36
FUSIONLITE +hexagons & arc 9
G RELYTUF +hexagons 19
G SG +hexagons 34
GEI +hexagons 9
GEI +hexagons & square 9
GEM +hexagons 29
GENBIOS +hexagons 9, 42
GO COOL +hexagons 30
GOODZGO +hexagons 35
GP CELLULOSE +hexagons 40
GPH +hexagons 16
GR +hexagons 21
GR 8 +hexagons 6
GREEN CHEM +hexagons & plan 5
hexagons 5
H HODOGAYA +hexagons 1, 2, 3, 5, 17, 40
H HYVE +hexagons 35
H NO 40 +bell & hexagons 23
HEXA DESIGNERS +hexagons 42
HEXAFORMER +hexagons 9, 42
HEXCEL +hexagons 17
HI HINDUSTAN INKS +hexagons 5, 9, 23
HI hindustan inks +hexagons 13
HIQUEL +hexagons 9
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